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A multi-hyphenate creative
Writer | Performing Artist | Actor | Director
Unearthing personal, social, and universal meanings through art
My Blog
Urgent Departure
"Urgent Departure" is the title of the 7th episode of this year's Ramadan series #Selfie. After a critical episode on ISIS that shook...
بين نفسي والأخرى ورحلة في موسيقى الماضي
أنا لا أسمع العربية إلا القديم منها.. والقديم اليوم لا ينتهي عند عبدالحليم و محمد عبدالوهاب، بل يضم أغاني عمرو دياب مثل "حبيبي يا نور...

Whirling in and with Sounds of HU
I heard the sound of leaves whirl in vortexes of wind as I touched their breeze on my naked extended arms; then I let the leaves whirl...
Spoiled at Andala
From my Cambridge journal: Today, I spent the day in solitude, alone, at home, in the shade of my laptop, typing rabidly to professors...
9 Year Old gets me into a Harvard class
When your nine-year-old self gets you into a class on Sound, Gender, and the Study of Religion: When I was nine, my mother's ex-husband,...

أطل عليكم من نافذتي
من نافذة هذا الاستديو الصغيرة أنظر سقوف المباني بنوافذها ذات الأرفف الوردية كل وذوقه نافذة مزهرة قد حاربة الزمن ونافذة خشبها خافت...

For God, not for the Virgins!
If the earths and skies did not fit God The human heart has always had In every breath, I am a “daughter of time” Of God’s glory And of...

My imagination or just my day!?
If “the future is an illusion And the past, an interpretation” Hence, in this awakening humming rests a consolation “I am home. I am here...

Changing the Font: From Italic to Bold
A Poem Changing the Font: From Italic to Bold Written during The Flood Crises in Jeddah Favoritism is obscene There was no defense ...
Sound of Qur'an
Dying and Living
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